Voiced Out

Mellow, breezy tunes. ” - Voiced Out

Perhaps Voiced Out thought that a concise statement would be perfect to describe their YouTube channel and its content. While it certainly aligns with the channel’s serene atmosphere, it is but too much an understatement for those who frequent this tranquil side of the otherwise noisy and chaotic environment of YouTube.

With their channel founded in 2011, Voiced Out shares videos featuring soft, instrumental music and handpicked artwork, which they feel, complements or embodies a particular tune. Now, placing imagery on top of music, and making a video out of it, is evidently a feat which can easily be accomplished by many, given the appropriate tools. Voiced Out, however, has an unique ability of doing it better than anyone else, while maintaining the channel’s original motif.

It was a late evening in the middle of 2016, back when I was first introduced to Voiced Out’s channel. I sat alone in the lab, a quiet drizzle began to take place outside after I spent an unholy amount of time digging for music which I can listen to while completing mundane paperwork. I ended up scrolling into a video uploaded by Voiced Out, featuring Tomoya Naka’s “Rainy Song”, with Yuuko’s artwork, “雨止んだ” (pronounced as “ame yanda”, which literally translates to “The rain stops”) as its cover. Ten seconds into the video and I’ve began wondering if it wouldn’t be my jam for the next decade. Little did I know how invested I would become in Voiced Out and their type of content, for the rest of my life.

Most YouTubers would say that it is impossible for someone to maintain a YouTube channel without interacting with their audiences, and as much as I would tend to agree, we would all be half wrong. Voiced Out has never spoken to any one of their tens of thousands of subscribers, or at least, has never responded to a comment under their videos. That said, as an avid listener myself, I can confirm that Voiced Out has done an impeccable job at maintaining a connection between the channel and its listeners. This is where the other half comes into play.

If you listen carefully to the music, there's actually a story to it. ” - Kim Gladen

To many listeners, Voiced Out does not just upload music videos, but rather, tell stories of rainy days, snowy midnight streets, warm sunsets, beautiful countrysides, old railway stations; Stories about where life took them, and how they felt about it. As listeners, we were not only observing the result of art, but rather, living through the experience of the artist. Some literature, movies, or even lengthy role-playing video games possess this unique aspect, which eventually cause us to get very attached to the protagonist. The difference here is that Voiced Out's "story" isn't conveyed through words, or any conventional story-telling media, but through the use of imagery and instrumental music. This accounts for a magical, or even spiritual experience - and in a sense, interaction.

"Thank you for this unexpected moment of calm in an otherwise chaotic and confusing week of my life. " - Madelyn Basilicum

It did not take long for listeners to begin writing and submitting their own narrations of experiences and feelings, or even poetry, based on what was featured in the videos, under the comment section of the videos. A large portion of these feedback also include heartfelt appreciation for Voiced Out and their work in sharing these wonderful soundtracks and artwork. For someone who isn't part of this community, the idea of befriending someone online that you've never talked to, let alone met, is absurd. When it comes to Voiced Out's subscribers, it is a different story. I personally share the same aspirations as many others to have a meaningful conversation with the person behind this channel, in spite of the odds not being in favor of this happening.

"I don't know who you are, but I love you for being born and creating this channel." - Blueblack Hana

Was Voiced Out trying to tell us something? The first video which was uploaded to their channel featured the soundtrack “People Running Away”, by Muxu. Did they think of their channel as a retreat from real life, a safe haven where they are allowed to express their feelings freely? After five years of activity, Voiced Out’s channel has remained idle since 2017. The last video featured Keyseeker’s “Apathy”, along with Loundraw’s artwork, titled “存在の居場所” (Sonzai no ibasho, “Whereabouts of existence”). Did their enthusiasm for their craft began to wear off, as they wish for their whereabouts to remain unknown, and for their existence to be forgotten?

Either way...

"You know what is one of the best things that has happened to me in my life? I found your channel. " - _WHiP


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